

When children come to Jabulani they come with different issues due to the experiences they have gone through, such as loss of parents, emotional and physical abuse, neglect and rejection etc. Jabulani offers them counselling through the Social Worker and the Counsellor. They help the children to perceive and understand their problems more clearly and assess their abilities to deal with their own problems. Through counselling the children are empowered with the skill of problem solving. We create a platform for them to ease their pain by talking about their experiences and thereby gain resilience and be able to bounce back and rise above their problems in order to become what they are destined to be in future.

Our aim is to achieve personal development through intellectual development, self-awareness, awareness of the environment and awareness of the significance of others and change of behaviour for every child in the institution, which helps them to live life positively and have a rewarding, productive life. Each child also has a “history book” where they record important events that happens in their lives while they are admitted at Jabulani. These events include the first time they were chosen to come to Jabulani, birthday celebration, holidays with their relatives, visits by their relatives, etc. They also stick photos in the book.